Sunday, October 10, 2004

:: Practice Time ::

"The day is coming when, from every colour and tribe and nation, those who have a heart for what the Lord wants to do they are going to come and say, "Lord what is on your heart?" And the Lord will say, "I want to do something in the Philippines." Or "I want to do something in Taiwan" ... And the body of Christ will mobilize itself to move where God is moving."
-- David Demian, Director, Watchmen for the Nations

To me, THIS is closer to my present understanding of God's heart for the Bride, and the human race than anything I've read or heard anywhere. All the local stuff we have such a hard time coordinating, and maintaining, aims to establish a global beachhead, if we could recognize and follow God's coordination plan.

Growing up locally, so we can show up globally. A recognizable kingdom, moving as one, with the strength of countless ones whose character is fully engaged in the dynamics of transformation according to the image of Christ, which is beheld with passion.

Now, THAT will be power! How we need Josephs and Daniels and Nehemiahs for this to happen... Is there a way to discover God's grid, and where we fit individually and collectively?

1 comment:

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