Sunday, September 05, 2004

BESLAN - RUSSIA - Sept 5, 2004

Beslan - Russia : the school massacre: around or over 350 dead, nearly 650 wounded, and close to 250 have disappeared, can't be found.

How can anyone even remotely think that killing children is a justified act of nationalism? This is beyond insanity !! Demonic at the core, perverse to the max. There is a wind of dementia that is sweeping our world. This was seemingly pre-planned suring the summer.

Those who believe terrorism is a justified war strategy have lost said war. I cannot buy any idea that steeps so low, even if those people have experienced injustice. I don't even have ears for those people. I am pleading with God to bring them to their knees and let them feel the pain of death of all the innocents they presume to use as bartering currency.

It is a abject as those who use children for pornography and prostitution. To think that God is going to allow sin to be expressed in its fullness in our societies... I cannot but ask: "why Lord?"

Why isn't God intervening directly publicly to stop these people?

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